Google Analytics data collection bug causing issues with JavaScript

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  • Post published:Aug 5, 2011
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Google has been experiencing an issue with their Analytics tools which collects statistics and information relating to visitors of your site.

A service statement from Google says:

“August 5 201 – 05:02am: We have confirmed that sites which use a third party javascript library, prototype.js, are affected. By our estimates, it appears to be less than 10% of Google Analytics users. Affected accounts will see a drop in traffic starting at 7am PST this morning (Thursday August 4th) with impact peaking at 9:30am PST. A fix has been deployed and collection will return to normal in approximately 2 hour”

DecoNetwork websites use JavaScript (and in particular prototype.js) for some functions such as login and checkout. As a result Google’s confirmed problem has caused these two critical elements to stop working.

We therefore decided to disable the Google Analytics widget in DecoNetwork until we have confirmation that the Google problem has been resolved. We will keep the GA widget disabled for approximately 48 hours to ensure browsers and cache has time to clear.

By disabling the Google Analytics widget you site will function normally however the visitor traffic will not be recorded in Google Analytics.

As Google states you will see a drop in your traffic data but rest assured your customers are still there, just that Google is not recording that they are visiting.

You can see Google’s official take on the problem and their service status here:


Google have rectified the problem and we have restored all Google Analytics services to DecoNetwork websites. [Service Update]

Brenden Prazner