Improving Online Shopping Experience, Part 2: The Buying Process | DecoNetwork

  • Post author:
  • Post published:Sep 28, 2011
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Part 2 and the final of Lyndon Cerejo’s Smashing Magazine post Improving The Online Shopping Experience is ready to review!

Titled Guiding Customers Through The Buying Process, this posts covers the importance of providing the right information to enable your customers to decide, reducing shopping cart abandonment, plus keeping your registration and checkout process short.


Part 1 of “Improving the Online Shopping Experience” focused on the upper part of the purchase funnel and on ways to get customers to your website and to find your products. Today, we move down the funnel, looking at ways to enable customers to make the decision to buy and to guide them through the check-out process.

Enjoy! :)